
Articles Posted in Holiday Decorating Disasters


5 Holiday Safety Tips to Keep You and Your Loved Ones Injury Free

The holidays are a joyous time, and while there is much fun to be had, there are also safety concerns to think about. There is always an increase in traffic this time of year, with people traveling, shopping, and running around to holiday parties and events. It is important to…


Don’t Wreck the Halls: Stay Safe During Christmas | Florida Personal Injury Lawyers Whittel & Melton

Christmas is just days away, and this time is filled with laughter, family, friends, and revisiting all the memories you have made this year. The holidays should be a happy time, but each year there are thousands of people who are injured or killed in Christmas and holiday-related accidents. Our…


The Dangers of Holiday Decorations | Florida Injury Lawyers Whittel & Melton

The holiday season means decorations, and this year (maybe more than ever) people are decorating on a much larger scale across the country. With more people being stuck at home because of the coronavirus pandemic, decking the halls is something that is lifting people’s spirits. You may even have been…


Don’t Become a Victim of Holiday Injuries & Decorating Disasters

The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission is responsible for protecting the public from unreasonable risks of injury or death associated with consumer products. They have compiled some pretty surprising data on holiday decorating injuries, so if you find yourself in the hospital emergency room from a holiday decorating injury…


Florida Holiday Product Liability Lawyers Whittel & Melton Discuss the Dangers with Holiday Decorations

Most people consider holiday decorations a central part of celebrating the season. While decorating your home may be a festive tradition, when holiday adornments have product defects the aftermath can be anything but jolly and leave you and your loved ones with serious personal injuries. With the holiday season officially…

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