
Former South Florida Physician Found Liable for Medical Malpractice in Baby’s Circumcision Tied to 6 Other Patient Deaths | West Palm Beach Medical Malpractice Attorneys Whittel & Melton

A former Florida physician, who was found liable for $100 million in August in a medical negligence case involving an infant’s mishandled circumcision, has been linked to several mismanaged procedures, including 6 patient fatalities.

On August 27, a Palm Beach County jury awarded the child’s parents $100 million after they accused the former doctor of severing the child’s urethra during a 2021 circumcision. The former physician, who worked as an obstetrician and gynecologist in Palm Beach County for 33 years, conducted the procedure just 10 days after the Florida Board of Medicine voted to suspend his medical license.

Court records indicate that this was not the first time the former doctor had been involved in medical malpractice. According to reports, he was mentioned in nine malpractice proceedings and four disciplinary cases, including ones involving the deaths of two infants, an injury to another, and the 1990s death of an 18-year-old mother.

The former doctor’s license was revoked following the death of a mother while giving birth in 2017. The woman’s death occurred three months after many other deaths and injuries caused the state Board of Medicine to restrict the doctor’s license.

The man’s license was revoked on February 5, 2021, but the order was not filed until Feb. 22.

The former doctor performed the botched circumcision on Feb. 15 for a cash payment of $250. The parents were not informed of his license revocation before the procedure.

People entrust their lives to doctors every day. This is reasonable, given physicians and other healthcare professionals are sworn to provide their patients with safe, ethical, and precise medical care. However, that is not always the case. Every year, up to 250,000 Americans become victims of negligent medical care.

What Is Medical Malpractice?

Not all negative experiences are the result of medical malpractice. Medical malpractice only happens when a medical practitioner disregards an appropriate standard of care and a patient is hurt or dies as a result. In other words, the medical professional did not follow what a reasonably attentive physician would have done in the same or similar situations.

How Do I Know If I Am the Victim of Medical Malpractice?

If a doctor’s negligence results in your injury, they may be held accountable for medical malpractice.

Typically, it is necessary to get all medical documents related to your care to determine whether errors were made that could warrant a malpractice claim. You can get help obtaining copies of treatment records from our South Florida Medical Malpractice Lawyers at Whittel & Melton who specialize in medical negligence claims.

Expert medical professionals must analyze medical records and statements to determine whether the physician provided appropriate care or was negligent. You may also need to have a medical evaluation to see how the past medical treatment is affecting your present health.

Are Only Doctors Liable for Medical Malpractice?

No, doctors, nurses, x-ray technicians, anesthesiologists, medical technicians, and more can all be liable for any careless or negligent acts that cause harm to a patient. In certain situations, medical facilities such as hospitals and clinics that hire doctors may be held legally accountable. A hospital or healthcare center may be held liable if its policies or procedures were negligent when compared to the standards established by a reasonably safe and effective health center in the area.

Hospitals and clinics may also be held liable for their workers’ actions and omissions. When a nurse, doctor, orderly, or other staff member fails to provide proper care to a patient in the course of their employment, the hospital will be held accountable for the employee’s actions. As a result, the hospital may be sued to provide further compensation to guarantee that your damages are adequately covered.

Whittel & Melton Can Help With Your Medical Malpractice Claim

If you or a loved one has suffered harm due to medical negligence, then you need to act fast and contact our West Palm Beach Medical Malpractice Lawyers at Whittel & Melton so that we can launch an investigation into your claims and take the necessary steps to preserve crucial evidence. In the state of Florida, you generally have two years from the date of the incident to file a claim. Let us help you through this difficult time – call us for a FREE consultation at 561-367-8777 or contact us online. We are available 24/7 to meet with you and discuss your potential claim for compensation.

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