
Florida Personal Injury Lawyers Blog


Diner Suing Orlando Restaurant Over Slip and Fall

A diner is suing Tijuana Flats Inc., claiming she injured herself at the restaurant after tripping and falling on mats that were overlapping and caused a dangerous condition. The woman filed a complaint on Aug. 15 in Orange County against Tijuana Flats Inc., alleging that the restaurant breached its duty…


Orlando Mother Accuses Duck Boat Operators of Causing Child’s Injuries

A mother is suing duck boat operators, alleging negligence caused serious injuries to her child. The woman filed a complaint July 30 in Orange County Circuit Court against Ripley Entertainment Inc., alleging the duck boat operator failed to provide for the safety of the its passengers. According to the complaint,…


Customer Says Gulfport Bar/Grill Negligence Lead to Attack

A Pinellas County customer is suing a Gulfport bar/grill, alleging negligent supervision led to him being attacked. The man filed a complaint Aug. 8 in Pinellas County Circuit Court against the bar/grill alleging the establishment failed its duty to implement reasonable security and provide a reasonably safe premise to protect…


Priest Who Worked in Boca Accused of Abuse by Pennsylvania Grand Jury

A 72-year-old priest who was affiliated with Ascension Catholic Church in Boca Raton is accused of molesting a 9-year-old boy and sexually abusing unidentified others in a report issued Tuesday by a Pennsylvania grand jury that conducted a sweeping investigation into clergy misconduct. The man was among the scores of…


Weed-Killing Chemical Linked to Cancer Found in Children’s Breakfast Foods

A new report has found that glyphosate, a weed-killing chemical that some health authorities link to cancer, is in a number of popular breakfast foods and cereals marketed to children. The study by the non-profit Environmental Working Group (EWG) discovered trace amounts of the most widely used herbicide in the…


Catholic Church Abuse: Pennsylvania Priests Molested Over 1,000 Children

Hundreds of priests were said to have molested more than 1,000 children — and possibly many more — since the 1940s, and senior church officials, including a man who is now the archbishop of Washington, D.C., allegedly covered up the abuse, according to a grand jury report released Tuesday. The…


Airline Negligence & Personal Injuries – How Our Florida Injury Attorneys Can Help

In order to ensure the safety of their passengers, commercial airlines must comply with a comprehensive set of federal safety standards and regulations. Because of these strict standards, travelling by air is one of the safest, most reliable modes of transportation available to the public. However, airlines, just like any…


Lowell Correctional Institution in Central Florida Investigated for Sexual Abuse of Inmates

The Justice Department is currently investigating the Lowell Correctional Institution in Central Florida, where female inmates have complained for years about sexual, physical and mental abuse inflicted by corrections officers. This investigation mirrors that of the Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women in Alabama where women were raped, sodomized, forced to…


NHTSA Latest Motorcycle Statistics

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 5,286 motorcyclists killed in 2016, which is a 5.1-percent increase from the 5,029 motorcyclists killed in 2015. The state of Florida had 555 fatalities, the highest number of motorcycle deaths out of all other states. Unfortunately, motorcyclists are more…


Diocese Names 71 Accused of Child Sex Abuse

A Roman Catholic diocese identified 71 priests and other members of the church who had been accused of child sex abuse on Wednesday. They said they are holding accountable the bishops who led the church for the past 70 years, announcing their names will be stripped from all church properties.…

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