
R. Kelly Under Criminal Investigation Following Lifetime Documentary Series

A Lifetime documentary series covering distressing allegations against R. Kelly has reportedly prompted a criminal investigation in Georgia, while prosecutors in Chicago are urging any victims to come forward.

Investigators from the Fulton County District Attorney’s office in Atlanta have tried to touch base with some of the women featured in the six-part series, according to reports.

Kelly, who’s faced numerous accusations of sexual misconduct, which he’s denied, is accused of manipulating women and controlling their lives.

Authorities involved in the probe have contacted a former girlfriend of Kelly who has spoken out multiple times about the alleged abuse she endured, according to reports.

Cook County (Chicago) State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, held a press conference Tuesday encouraging any victims to come forward, calling the allegations against Kelly covered in the Lifetime series “deeply, deeply disturbing.”

Foxx said she’s been in touch with people who claim to have information regarding allegations in Cook County, and said her office has received calls from relatives of people who have been in contact with Kelly in recent years. She said that includes family members who are looking for a loved one.

Foxx noted that she has not been in touch with Fulton County officials or with Kelly himself.

The accusations against Kelly have generated renewed attention since Thursday, when Lifetime began airing its series “Surviving R. Kelly.” The investigation reportedly began after a wave of calls to officials after the series debuted.

Kelly, 52, has been accused of inappropriate behavior with multiple underage girls in the past, which he has denied. He allegedly married the late singer Aaliyah in 1994, when she was 15.

Kelly was acquitted in a highly publicized child pornography case in 2008 after being accused of appearing in a sex tape with an underage girl years earlier.

Kelly has been accused of sexually abusing minors for decades. There have been civil lawsuits and an indictment, but he’s never actually been convicted of committing any crime. There are even alleged videos and evidence that Kelly possessed child pornography floating around. He settled many civil lawsuits out of court, and throughout the years of accusations, charges, an indictment, settlements, and along with Lifetime’s latest documentary series, a new hashtag has erupted: #MuteRKelly.

It will be interesting to see if the court of public opinion followed by immense attention on social media will lead to criminal charges sticking against the singer. Sexual abuse is not something that should be kept quiet. Our Florida Sexual Abuse Injury Attorneys at Whittel & Melton are here to help abuse victims come forward and hold their abuser accountable for their deplorable actions. If you or someone you love has been the victim of sexual abuse, we can help. Call us today at 866-608-5529 or contact us online for a free consultation.


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