
Wagon Mishap During School Field Trip to Apple Orchard Results in More Than Two Dozen Injuries | Florida Injury Lawyers Whittel & Melton

A wagon toppled over during a school field trip at a Wisconsin apple orchard on Wednesday, injuring over 20 individuals, three of whom had critical injuries, according to officials.

The incident happened at Bushel and a Peck Orchard in the town of Lafayette, which is in Chippewa Falls, about 200 miles west of Green Bay.

According to reports, the wagons were being pulled off a public road when the driver lost control, causing them to flip and leaving multiple children and adults with serious injuries.

Reports indicate that 25 victims were transferred to hospitals, including 22 by ambulance, one by medical helicopter, and others in personal vehicles.

Who Is Responsible for a School Field Trip Injury?

Field trips are a major highlight of the school year for most kids. While field trips provide an opportunity for students to spend time outside of the classroom and explore new places like a science museum, historic site, or just somewhere fun, they additionally pose some risks that could result in injuries in the event of an accident. Our Florida Injury Lawyers at Whittel & Melton can assist you in determining who might be responsible if your child suffered an injury while on a school field trip.

There could be numerous people at fault for the accident that injured your child because it happened when they were off school property. However, our legal team can conduct a thorough investigation to determine who is responsible for your child’s field trip injury.

What If I Signed a Waiver?

You will probably be required to sign a waiver prior to your child being allowed to participate in any school field trip. These releases are intended to shield the school from legal responsibility in the unlikely event that your kid is hurt while under their supervision. Signing a waiver does not mean that no one is liable for your child’s injuries. The school district or another party may still be responsible, depending on how the accident occurred.

While we do not hear about these incidents in the media very often, field trip injuries do still happen. To learn more about our firm and how we can help with a school field trip injury, please call our Florida Injury Lawyers at Whittel & Melton at 866-608-5529 or visit us online to request a FREE consultation.

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