Back to School Safety Checklist | Florida Injury Lawyers Whittel & Melton


It is that time of year again – the kids are all heading back to school. Right about this time is when family life gets hectic, but it is important to take the time to review – and share with your kids – some key safety tips that can keep them safe throughout the school year.

Tips for Transportation Safety
Children must take the necessary safety precautions whether they walk, ride their bicycles, or take the bus to and from school. To ensure that your child gets to school safely, consider the following suggestions:

For the Walkers:

Talk about your family’s walking safety guidelines and practice walking to school with your children.

  • Use sidewalks where available, and walk facing traffic on streets without sidewalks.
  • Look left, right, then left again before crossing the street to be sure there are no oncoming cars.
  • At crosswalks or crossroads, always make eye contact with cars before crossing the street.
  • Maintain focus and avoid distractions when walking.

For the Bike Riders:

Along with practicing riding the bike route to school, teach your child the traffic laws.

  • Ride in a single file, on the right side of the road, and alongside traffic.
  • Before crossing the street, stop completely; walk or ride your bike across it.
  • Avoid distractions while biking.
  • Ensure your child always wears a correctly fitted helmet and bright clothing.

For the Bus Riders:

Instruct and practice school bus safety procedures with your kids.

  • Accompany your child to the bus stop and teach them the correct way to get on and off the bus.
  • Make sure students know their bus number.
  • Use the buddy system – stay with a group at the bus stop, there is safety in numbers.
  • Instruct your kids to stay six feet (or three enormous steps) back from the curb.
  • A bus driver should always be able to see children crossing the street. Make sure your child is aware that if they must cross in front of a bus that they need to stay ten feet ahead of the bus for visibility purposes.

For the Drivers:

Maintain focus and avoid distracted driving.

  • Comply with your school’s drop-off process and observe the speed limits in school zones.
  • Make sure to make eye contact with kids crossing the roadway.
  • Do not pass a bus that has children getting on or off the bus.
  • Children are especially at risk within 10 feet of a school bus; stop far enough back to ensure safe entry and exit.

Another good safety tip is to make sure students know their home address, phone number, and a parent’s cell phone number. Assist your child in practicing so that, by the time school starts, they will know it by heart.

Make sure your children understand that they should never leave school with someone they have not been instructed to leave with. Make sure they know to talk with you or another trusted adult (school staff) first if someone approaches them and says there is an emergency and they would like your child to go with them.

Our Florida Injury Lawyers at Whittel & Melton hope everyone heads back to school safely. We also know that accidents happen. If we can help with any type of accident that was caused by another person’s carelessness, call us at 866-608-5529 or contact us online for a FREE consultation.

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