A car accident victim may have to deal with a variety of physical and financial hardships. As a result, victims may be eligible to collect a wide range of damages. These damages are typically classified into two types: economic damages (also known as special damages) and non-economic damages (which are sometimes referred to as general damages). Non-economic damages are related to more subjective types of harm, whereas economic damages take into consideration objective money losses. Economic damages include things like medical bills, prescription costs, and lost income, whereas non-economic damages include nontangible things like pain and suffering, emotional harm, and mental anguish.
Finding out how much your claim is worth will help you determine whether an insurer’s settlement offer is reasonable. Unfortunately, there is no simple formula for calculating damages, and damages vary depending on a variety of conditions. Some insurance companies base their overall payout on the economic losses incurred by the victim, then double that amount by two or three to account for non-economic damages like as pain and suffering. This strategy, however, is arbitrary, and you should not expect an insurer to make decisions based on this method. Our Florida Car Accident Injury Lawyers at Whittel & Melton can provide you with a rough estimate of what we believe your case is worth based on our previous experience with other clients in similar situations. No two cases are exactly alike, which is why we utilize experts to help place a dollar amount on the full scope of your injuries so that you are taken care of now as well as in the future.
How Are Medical Expenses Calculated?