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Kevin Clark, now 32, who played the drummer in the popular Jack Black film “School of Rock” almost 20 years ago was struck and killed while riding his bicycle at a dangerous intersection on Wednesday, May 26. 

He was struck by a driver operating a Hyundai Sonata at about 1:20 a.m. and was pronounced dead at 2:04 a.m. after being taken to the hospital for his injuries. 

The 20-year-old driver of the Hyundai was issued several citations, according to police reports. 

Riding a bicycle is loads of fun and a great way to get some exercise. Florida has a wonderful climate so that residents can ride pretty much year round, making cycling a passion for many Floridians. Sadly, this hobby can end in tragedy when motorists sharing the roadways fail to take care and watch out for cyclists. The number of bicycle fatalities is climbing across the U.S. In 2019, bicycle accidents increased by 6% according to the National Safety Council (NSC). In the last 10 years bicycle fatalities have grown 10% from 793 in 2010 to 1,089 in 2019 (the latest year data is available.) 

The NSC also points out that starting in June, bicycle fatalities start to rise and continue to stay high through September. For 2019, the most deaths from bicycle fatalities occurred in August – 125 and the fewest occurred in January – 63. 

If you have lost a loved one or have suffered any type of harm in a bicycle accident that was the result of another driver’s negligence, then you may be entitled to recover financial compensation for all of your suffering and related damages. 

Bicyclists are quite vulnerable on Florida’s busy roadways and intersections. When you go out for a ride, you share the road with fast moving cars, large trucks, buses, and other vehicles that can cause severe injuries and even death on impact. For the most part, bicyclists have the same right-of-way as any other motorists travelling on the roads. But despite these laws, most motorists fail to offer bikers the same courtesy as they extend to other vehicles on the road, which is why bike accidents happen so frequently. 

What Are The Most Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents?

  • There are many reasons bike accidents can happen, but most often these dangerous accidents happen because of the following:  
  • Cars turning in front of bicyclists and crashing into them at an intersection
  • Motor vehicles turning right and striking bicyclists in the crosswalk
  • Drivers passing cyclists too closely and clipping them 
  • Drivers opening car doors while a biker is passing, also called “dooring.” 
  • Drivers failing to yield to bicyclists

What Should You Do After a Bicycle Accident?

  • If you are harmed in a bike accident, then we recommend taking the following steps: 
  • Call 911 right away – your health is the first and most important priority. You need to get medical care right away. 
  • Make a police report. Never let the at-fault driver talk you out of this very important step as failing to do this can lead to problems later on. 
  • You need to get information from the driver who hit you, like their driver’s license number and insurance information. 
  • If you can, snap some pictures or take some videos of the car that hit you, your injuries, your bike, and the scene of the accident. 
  • If there are any witnesses to the crash, then get their information, too. Police might miss this step, so help yourself by getting their contact information. 
  • Contact an experienced Injury Lawyer at Whittel & Melton at 866-608-5529 or contact us online. You should reach out to us before you make contact with the other driver’s insurance provider. 

What Can I Do to Protect Myself in a Bicycle Accident?

  • Wear a helmet that fits properly 
  • Wear reflective and bright-colored clothes 
  • Use a bike light and reflectors, or even reflective tape
  • Ride with the flow of traffic 
  • Obey all traffic laws 
  • Always use bike lanes, whenever possible 
  • Perform routine maintenance on your bike to make sure it is good working condition 
  • Make sure you are alert at all times and are not distracted 

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For most Americans, Memorial Day Weekend is a chance to enjoy a three-day weekend and celebrate the people that have fought for our freedom and this country. Many use this time to relax and recharge by hosting backyard barbecues, taking vacations, and spending time with loved ones. With the Covid-19 vaccine being available to most, many have already had at least one dose of the vaccine and are feeling more comfortable with places reopening and resuming some type of normalcy. However, Memorial Day Weekend is considered a dangerous holiday for those travelling on U.S. roadways as many motorists engage in irresponsible and reckless behavior. 

Estimates for Memorial Day 2021

Memorial Day is associated with many deaths and injuries from unnecessary accidents. This year is no different. In fact, the National Safety Council (NSC) estimates that we will see 415 deaths this Memorial Day holiday weekend and another 47,300 injuries from car accidents. 

AAA Travel expects the U.S. to see a larger number of people travelling this year when compared to last year. More than 37 million people are anticipated to travel 50 or more miles from home from May 27 through May 31, which is a 60% jump from last year. 

destin-1596272_1920-300x200Planning to Travel this Memorial Day Weekend? Follow these Tips 

  • Get a good night’s sleep before heading out on a long road trip. If you are travelling a long distance, then remember to take regular breaks and do not drive when you are tired. Fatigued driver is just as dangerous as drunk or drugged driving. 
  • Get an early start or allow yourself adequate time to travel to your destination. Plan for traffic and don’t let your timing get you upset or distracted. 
  • Put your cell phone and other devices away so that they cannot distract you from your main task at hand: driving. 
  • Never drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Plan for a designated driver or call a cab or take an Uber or Lyft. 
  • Maintain a good distance from the car or vehicle in front of you. 

How Can I Avoid a Collision this Memorial Day Weekend?

There are many safety precautions that you can take, which we have outlined below, but remember, you cannot control the actions and behaviors of other drivers. A few important tips for staying safe on the roads this holiday weekend include, but are not limited to:

  • Always buckle up no matter how far or short the distance you are travelling. Seat belts save lives. Make sure your kids are buckled up as well or in their appropriate safety seats. 
  • If you plan to drink once you get to your destination, then assign a designated driver or use public transportation or rideshare programs, like Lyft or Uber. You have lots of options, but getting behind the wheel drunk or drugged should never be one of them. 
  • Stay off your phone when driving – this is a major distraction and can lead to serious accidents. 

What Do I Do If I Am Involved in a Car Crash Over Memorial Day Weekend?  Continue reading

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Memorial Day Weekend is here and a favorite holiday of many Americans as it serves as a time to remember and celebrate the men and women who have proudly served our country and defended our freedom as well as provides most with some extra time off from work. The plus side to this holiday is that you may get to spend some much needed time with friends and family, but the downside is that Memorial Day Weekend is one of the most dangerous weekends to be on the roads in the United States due to a surge in motor vehicle crashes, including motorcycle accidents. 

The National Safety Council (NSC) estimates that 415 people may lose their lives on U.S. roads for the 2021 Memorial Day Weekend holiday period from 6 p.m. Friday, May 28 to 11:59 p.m. Monday, May 31. While this number is only an estimate, the NSC has a 90% confidence interval for roadway deaths this holiday weekend ranging from 337-502. The impact of COVID-19 has increased the NSC’s estimates for the number of roadway deaths this year, according to their reports. 

What Makes Memorial Day Weekend So Dangerous?

  • Increased Drivers/Motorcyclists on the Roads: As America starts to bounce back from COVID-19 and reopen, 37 million people are expected to travel this Memorial Day Weekend, according to CNN reports. A AAA Memorial Day travel forecast for 2021 expects a 60% increase of travelers this year compared to last year heading out on the road traveling 50 or more miles from their homes. The confidence boost to get out this year coincides with about 50% of the American population having at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine. Road travel is still slated to be much higher than air travel this year, and popular destinations include Orlando, Myrtle Beach, Denver, Las Vegas, South Carolina, and Nashville. 
  • Unfamiliar Territory for Motorists/Motorcyclists: Motorcyclists and auto drivers alike heading out on road trips might be travelling to new places, making this unfamiliar terrain. For many, unfamiliar places can result in overly cautious driving or more reckless driving, both of which are known to cause serious accidents.
  • Drivers Operating Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs: Drunk or drugged drivers on the roadways are always a potential threat, but this drastically increases over a holiday weekend. According to NSC data for the latest year available (2018 Memorial Day period), 37% of fatalities involved drivers who were operating under the influence of alcohol. Extended holiday weekends often lead to celebrations with alcohol, so it is quite common for motorists to lose track of their sobriety and get behind the wheel of a car after a day/night of partying. 

motorcycle-1185717_1920-300x224How Can You Avoid a Memorial Day Weekend Motorcycle Accident? 

While you can do everything in your power to be safe and drive responsibly, everyone must do their part. The following safety tips can keep you and others sharing the roads safe this Memorial Day Weekend. 

  • Expect an Increase in Traffic: You can expect to see more drivers on the road this Memorial Day Weekend, so plan accordingly. It will likely take you longer to get to and from your destination, so give yourself plenty of time to get to where you are going so that you don’t have increased stress or anxiety from being rushed. 
  • Wear Proper Safety Gear: This is essential for motorcyclists safety. Don’t travel without your helmet and protective clothing, like jeans, durable boots, a reflective jacket, gloves and face/eye protection. 
  • Stay Off Roads at Night: Accidents can happen at any time throughout the Memorial Day weekend, but many crashes happen later at night/early morning hours when people are heading home after a night of partying. Staying off the roads at night can prevent you from being harmed in an accident with a drunk or drugged driver. 

What Should I Do If I am Involved in a Memorial Day Weekend Motorcycle Crash? Continue reading



A mother passed away Saturday after crashing the motorcycle she was riding while on a memorial ride for her son, who suffered the same fate just one month earlier. 

The 51-year-old woman was riding a 2012 Honda CBR along with about 80 other bikers when a horse jumped into the road and caused her to swerve and ultimately lose control of her bike and crash into a ditch. The accident reportedly occurred around 12:30 p.m. 

The woman was wearing a helmet and was transported to a hospital where she was pronounced dead. 

Reports did say that investigators believe excessive speed played a factor in the crash.

The woman’s son, 23, died April 5 in a motorcycle crash. The bikes she was riding at the time of her motorcycle crash was one of his. 

bikers-5644753_1920-300x177Thousands of Florida motorcyclists ride the roads of Florida, pretty much year round. While these riders have the joy of travelling the open roads whenever they’d like, they are at a higher risk of being involved in accidents that can result in serious and debilitating injuries. Motorcycle riders are not allotted the same protections as a driver of a car, like a large steel frame and airbags, so when riders are involved in a crash they can easily suffer from a wide range of injuries like broken bones, brain damage, internal bleeding, road rash, amputated limbs, neck and back injuries, shoulder and knee injuries, and even death. When these serious injuries occur from a motorcycle crash, our Florida Motorcycle Accident Lawyers at Whittel & Melton are here to help.

It is true that some motorcycle accidents cannot be prevented, but there are far too many of these types of collisions that are caused by negligence. Motorcycles are less visible to other motorists and also less stable than four-wheeled vehicles. Riders are also more susceptible to the weather and other road conditions than drivers of cars. If another careless or reckless driver caused or contributed to your motorcycle crash in some way, then it can be quite beneficial to speak with our Florida motorcycle accident law firm. Our Florida Motorcycle Accident Lawyers at Whittel & Melton specialize in motorcycle crash claims.

How Many Motorcycle Accidents Result in Death? 

The most recent data that is available from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows that 5,014 motorcyclists were killed in motorcycle wrecks in 2019. This number is actually down from the 5,038 people killed in motorcycle crashes in 2018. 2019 data from the NHTSA also shows that motorcyclists were about 29 times more likely to die than passenger car occupants per vehicle miles traveled.

How Many Motorcycle Accidents Result in Injuries? 

Injuries suffered across the U.S. in motorcycle crashes are quite significant as well. In 2019, the NHTSA reported 84,000 injuries from motorcycle wrecks. This is an increase from the 82,000 reported injuries in 2018. 

What Are the Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Crashes? 

Motorcycle accidents can be caused by many factors, but the most common can be chalked up to motorist negligence, such as failing to yield to a biker and failure to look out for a biker. Aggressive driving, speeding, driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, and distracted driving are the other common reasons why motorcycle accidents occur. 

How Can I Stay Safe On My Motorcycle? 

Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the motorcyclist AND other drivers sharing the road to keep everyone safe. Motorcyclists who focus on the road and take proper safety precautions can limit their risk for being harmed in an accident, and there are various safety tips that all riders should incorporate into their routine, including:  

  • Get proper training before handling a motorcycle. In Florida this means that you need a valid Class E operator’s driver license and you are required to complete a Basic RiderCourse (BRC) or Basic RiderCourse updated (BRCu) with an authorized Sponsor. Within a year of passing the course, you are required to obtain your endorsement. 
  • Many states have universal helmet laws, but Florida gives you the option of wearing one if you are over the age of 21 and carry $10,000 of Medical Payment Insurance. Regardless of the laws, our Florida Motorcycle Lawyers at Whittel & Melton encourage everyone to protect themselves and wear a helmet. 
  • Avoid riding in bad weather, as this can make it harder for you to see and be seen by other drivers. On that same note, wet pavement reduces the friction between tires and pavement, which can cause riders to lose control of their bikes much easier. 
  • Lane-splitting increases the chances of being involved in a serious accident, so it is advised to avoid doing this.  
  • Wear bright colored clothing to enhance your visibility to other drivers. 
  • Follow the speed limit. 
  • Never take your bike out when intoxicated. 
  • Do not text and try to operate your bike. 

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Two men were killed in head-on crash in Hillsborough County early Saturday morning around 3:50 a.m., according to the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP).  

The crash occurred on U.S. 301 in Thonotosassa and involved a 29-year-old Dade City man who was behind the wheel of a pickup truck heading north. For reasons that have yet to be confirmed, the 29-year-old driver crossed into the path of a 61-year-old Zephyrhills man travelling south in an SUV. 

The FHP reported that the two vehicles smashed into each other, causing the SUV to rollover, fall off a bridge, and ultimately land in a ditch. The pickup spun and landed in the northbound lane. 

Both drivers were pronounced dead at the scene of the crash. 

Reports confirmed that both drivers were wearing seatbelts. 

pickup-truck-1210056_1920-300x200Pickup trucks that are full-sized are used for various purposes, including everyday travel for personal use and even tools of the trade for certain industries and professions. Construction companies often use these trucks as part of their fleet for their workers to carry heavy tools and supplies to and from job sites. Landscapers and other industries also utilize pickup trucks for their business. 

Pickup trucks come in half, three-quarter, and even 1-ton size varieties, so they are larger and heavier than most passenger vehicles, which makes them more dangerous to be involved in an accident with. If you or a loved one is harmed in a pickup truck accident, then it is very important to understand your rights for holding the at-fault driver liable so that you can recover financial compensation for your injuries and all other damages.  

What You Need to Know About Pickup Truck Accidents

While most pickup trucks do not require a special license in order to drive, they are used quite often as commercial vehicles. When a company leases or buys a pickup truck for their workers to drive, this dynamic can change the financial responsibility for the crash. In these cases, the at-fault driver of the truck can be responsible as well as the company that owns the truck. Accidents involving company-owned trucks can be harder to negotiate with for a variety of reasons, including: 

  • Insurance: Pickup trucks that are used as part of a fleet for a business may have commercial vehicle insurance. For these purposes, it must be known what is exactly covered and how to maximize payouts when it comes to this kind of insurance. 
  • Liability of the Employer: Even if an employee was driving the pickup truck, the owner of the truck/company may still be responsible for the accident. 
  • Worker’s Compensation: Any employee drivers who are harmed in a pickup truck accident owned by the company could be eligible for worker’s comp. 

There are various aspects that must be explored when it comes to pickup truck accidents. For these reasons, legal representation can be quite beneficial for pickup truck accidents, especially when the truck is classified as a commercial vehicle. This increases the complexity of the case, so you will need an attorney who fully understands insurance laws and nuances, so that you can get the compensation that you need and deserve. Our Tampa Truck Accident Attorneys at Whittel & Melton are experienced truck accident lawyers that specialize in commercial trucking accidents, so we know how to investigate these accidents and what to look for to achieve maximum compensation for the victims involved.  Continue reading

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A recent tractor-trailer collision in Jacksonville is still under investigation by the Florida Highway Patrol that left two girls, 8 and 10, and a 48-year-old woman injured and killed a 67-year-old woman. 

The 48-year-old woman was driving a Ford Explorer and traveled into the median that caused a chain reaction that sent her vehicle slamming into a semi-tractor-trailer truck.

According to the crash report from FHP, the SUV smashed into a guardrail in the median that pushed the SUV into the right shoulder where it crashed into a semi-tractor-trailer truck that was entering the ramp to the Florida Department of Transportation Weigh Station.

The 48-year-old driver and the 67-year-old passenger were ejected from the SUV. The 67-year-old died at the scene.

According to FHP, the two girls were seriously injured, but not ejected from the SUV. 

The driver of the semi-truck was not harmed. 

The crash report did indicate that all parties involved in the wreck were wearing their seatbelts except for the 47-year-old driver of the SUV.

While you may be a perfectly safe driver, there are others that share the roadways with you that are not. Cra accidents of any kind can result in very serious injuries, and when you are involved in an accident with a large truck, the aftermath can be deadly. If you do survive a crash with a semi-truck, then you may suffer from catastrophic injuries leaving you with intense physical pain, the inability to work or get back to your usual daily activities. 

If you have been injured in a serious truck accident or suffered the loss of a loved one in an accident with a semi-truck, then our Jacksonville Truck Accident Lawyers at Whittel & Melton are here to help you hold the at-fault party accountable for their reckless actions so that you can receive compensation for all of your losses. 

Compensation for Your Truck Accident Injuries

When you trust our Jacksonville Truck Accident Attorneys at Whittel & Melton to handle your case, you can rest easy knowing that we are doing everything possible to make sure that you are adequately compensated for your injuries. Depending on the facts of your accident claim, you may be eligible to various types of financial compensation, including: 

Medical Costs: The responsible party or trucking company could be required to pay for all past, present, and future medical costs that arise due to the accident. 

Lost wages and Loss of Future Earnings: When someone is injured in an accident with a tractor-trailer, semi-truck, box truck, etc., then they may be left recovering from severe injuries that leave them unable to work. In certain cases, the victim may not be able to return to their previous line of work ever. The law provides for people in these situations and victims can be compensated for all lost wages, temporary or permanent.

Non-economic Damages: These damages are intended to compensate victims for pain and suffering, emotional agony, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, and loss of consortium (the loss of a loved one/spouse). 

Punitive Damages: These damages are set in place to sway the responsible driver from causing another accident of this kind in the future. Not every case warrants punitive damages, but we can determine if you are entitled to damages of this kind. 

jacksonville_truck_quote_4-300x300In order to receive financial compensation after a truck accident, you have to file a claim within a short time frame. What does this mean to you? This means you need to speak with our Jacksonville Truck Accident Lawyers at Whittel & Melton right away – there is no time to waste. 

Our team of trucking lawyers will treat you with compassion to make sure your case gets the personalized attention it deserves. Not sure if you have a case? We offer free consultations and are happy to meet with you and listen to the details of your accident and provide you with our honest feedback. We service all of Florida, and have several office locations to meet you at. We also make house calls and hospital visits. You can reach us at any time of day or night by calling 866-608-5529. You can also fill out our online contact form at your convenience. Continue reading

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A fiery crash between Florida rapper Tafia and a tractor-trailer last month shut down all lanes of SR-112/Airport Expressway in the early morning hours.

The collision occurred near NW 12th Avenue a short time after 3:30 a.m.

The tractor-trailer driver claims the other vehicle involved in the crash was speeding on the shoulder at the time of the crash, according to reports. 

Officials said that the truck smashed into a concrete barrier, which caused the 100 gallons of fuel it was carrying to burst into flames. 

The truck driver was luckily able to kick open the door of his cab and exit the vehicle. 

Four people were involved in the accident, but none were reported to have suffered serious injuries, according to Miami Fire Rescue.

One of the people in the SUV that was involved in the crash with the truck was North Miami rapper Tafia, according to reports.  

According to Miami Fire Rescue, the firefighters at the scene were able to extinguish the flames in about 10-15 minutes. The Miami-Dade County Environmental Resources Management Team was also on the scene to assist with fuel that was leaking into a storm drain. 

car-transport-truck-5291962_1920-300x200Motor vehicles are involved in thousands of crashes on Florida roadways every year that result in tragic consequences from costly repairs to fix damaged vehicles to serious personal injuries, road shutdowns, and even death. The truth is that the trucking industry is involved in a good portion of car accidents across the country each year. 

If you happen to be involved in an accident with a tractor trailer or large semi-truck, then you are much more likely to suffer catastrophic consequences as a result. Big rigs and commercial trucks weigh anywhere from 20 to 30 times more than your typical passenger vehicles on the roads, so it is easy to see why accidents with these vehicles can bring about tragic results. 

All vehicles—cars, trucks, SUVs, motorcycles—can cause traffic accidents for a variety of different reasons. Speeding, distracted driving, driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs or prescription or over the counter meds, and fatigue are all leading causes of truck accidents. 

Our Florida Truck Accident Lawyers at Whittel & Melton have an experienced team of truck accident attorneys on staff with decades of experience handling personal injury law cases. We are happy to offer you or your family members a free case evaluation following a truck accident so that you can fully understand your legal options.  

Our Recommended Steps To Take After A Truck Accident in Florida

We know how frightening it can be when you are involved in a collision with large vehicles. Timing can be a very important factor when it comes to gathering evidence that can help with the process of filing a personal injury claim, so we always recommend contacting local authorities so that they can get to the crash site and preserve critical evidence. 

If you have been injured or suffered damages to your vehicle in a truck accident, then we urge you to follow these important steps: 

  1. Call for help – Dial 9-1-1

Safety is the number one priority following a collision. If you or anyone else at the scene is injured, or could be, then call 9-1-1 right away so that everyone can get immediate medical attention and so that the police can be notified. 

Medical records and an official police report are very important to support your claim after a truck accident. Once law enforcement has arrived at the scene, they can take notes of the accident, the time and location the accident occurred, and take statements from any witnesses or other drivers involved. 

We want to reiterate how important it is to get medical care right away whenever you are involved in an accident. Even if you do not think your injuries are serious, you still need to be checked out by a doctor to rule out any complications that could present themselves later on. 

  1. Get as much information as you can 

If you are able to, get as much information as you can from drivers, passengers, and any witnesses of the accident. You can get their names, phone numbers, email addresses, license plate numbers, driver’s license information, and insurance information. Any information you can obtain might prove useful when it comes to recovering damages following an accident. 

  1. Take pictures/videos 

Take pictures of your injuries, the crash site, and any property damage so that this can support your claim. While police should collect their own photos for evidence to keep with the accident report, it can be a good idea to take your own just in case important evidence is missed, lost, or even destroyed. 

  1. Contact our Truck Accident Attorneys 

Once you are medically cleared, you want to assert your legal rights, but doing this on your own is not a good idea. The best thing you can do is to reach out to our Florida Truck Accident Lawyers at Whittel & Melton as we can guide you through the injury claims process and help protect your legal interests.  Continue reading

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Even though 2020 brought us the novel coronavirus and placed the world on lockdown, the National Safety Council released a new estimate that 42,000 people were killed in car crashes and another 4.8 million were injured. 

These numbers show an 8 percent increase from 2019, which happens to be the largest yearly increase in nearly a century. It should also be noted that the average number of miles driven dropped by 13 percent.  

Experts believe that because less people were on the roads commuting to and from work resulted in more speeding, which ultimately resulted in more traffic fatalities. The irony is that congested traffic from the daily commuters was actually keeping people safer. 

Many state leaders are calling this a U.S. public health crisis and looking to make a change, Laura Friedman, a California Assembly member, has introduced a bill for 2021 to reduce speed limits as a way to combat the growing number of traffic deaths. 

driving-407181_1920-300x200It seems this has been a growing problem over the past 10 years, but the COVID-19 pandemic managed to place a spotlight on it. Lawmakers from states coast to coast are starting to introduce various bills aimed at lowering speed limits, promoting pedestrian/bike safety, and setting up speed camera programs. 

The proposals show various perspectives on how to better manage traffic. Traffic engineers along with transportation safety advocates are also looking at designing roads that will help motorists get to where they are going more safely as opposed to faster. 

It is unknown to what extent these new bills will take effect. Certain states are looking at letting cities and counties have more control over their speed limits and other states like Florida, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island want to let their communities use speed cameras. 

According to the National Safety Council, the large surge in fatalities started showing quickly after lockdown orders went into effect for the country. 

California said that citations issued for speeding over 100 miles per hour almost doubled during 2020 reaching a whopping 31,600.  

While states want to introduce new protocols to keep everyone safe, lawmakers do realize it is a delicate balance between protecting communities and over policing them. Wealthier communities usually have more walkable sidewalks and wider streets, while lower-income areas are located by freeways. Placing cameras on mostly streets in low-income areas could mean that the speed programs are not entirely fair, even though speed cameras do not discriminate by skin color. 

Traditional policing on speeding has not been successful in the past, so lawmakers are still working out the kinks on what should be done to make roads safer across America. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, facilities involving pedestrians like runners, bikers, walkers, and others trying to remain active have also increased. Even though many Americans will be heading back to work in the near future, many will remain working from home so it is now more important than ever to pay attention to your surroundings regardless of the time of day. You want to limit the number of distractions in your car, put your phone down, pay attention to speed limits, and keep your eyes on the road at all times. Everyone must do their part to keep our communities safe. 

What Are Common Causes of Fatal Car Accidents in Florida? 

According to the Department of Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Florida’s car accidents are usually caused by: 

  • Distracted driving 
  • Speeding 
  • Disobeying traffic laws
  • Reckless driving 
  • Drunk driving 
  • Poor road conditions
  • Bad weather

Contact Our Florida Car Accident Lawyers at Whittel & Melton

Regardless of the circumstances leading up to your motor vehicle collision, if you want to protect your legal rights and pursue justified compensation for your losses then you need to seek legal help from our Florida Injury Lawyers at Whittel & Melton. As skilled personal injury trial attorneys, we have a deep understanding on how to prove liability in auto accident cases and make sure our clients’ rights are protected to the fullest extent of the law.  Continue reading

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A 62-year-old New Port Richey man was struck and killed by a car that veered into his path last week on State Road 54 in Pasco County, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. 

The motorcycle rider was travelling east when the driver of the car failed to yield and drove into his path. 

The motorcyclist died from his injuries while being treated at the hospital. 

The 30-year-old driver of the car was not injured. 

Everytime motorcycle riders gear up and take to the open road, they assume a significantly higher risk of suffering a serious injury or death if they are involved in a crash. Our Pasco County Motorcycle Crash Lawyers at Whittel & Melton know the devastating impact motorcycle collisions can have on the lives of accident victims as well as their family members. If your loved one was taken from you in a motorcycle crash in Florida, we know the heartbreak you are suffering. While we cannot rewind time and bring your loved one back to you, we can help you understand your rights and handle every aspect of your wrongful death claim so that you can devote your time to grieving and healing. We will do everything we can to make sure you recover the maximum compensation you deserve. 

guy-3639100_1920-1-300x200What Are the Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents? 

Most motorcycle accidents are not actually the fault of the motorcyclist, but the fault of another driver. Many drivers fail to keep a proper lookout for motorcyclists and do not detect them at intersections, when they change lanes, or when they are merging. This can be especially problematic when the passenger vehicle turns left and the motorcyclist has the right-of-way. This type of accident accounts for numerous motorcycle crashes throughout the country. There are many other causes of motorcycle accidents as well, such as: 

  • Drunk drivers 
  • Distracted drivers
  • Problems with the roadways 
  • Defective motorcycle parts 

Who Can File a Motorcycle Accident Claim for Injury or Wrongful Death? 

Motorcyclists as well as any of their passengers can file claims to pursue financial compensation for any injuries suffered in a crash caused by the negligence of another driver. Due to the fact that motorcyclists offer passengers less protection than that of passenger vehicles, they are more likely to become injured when involved in a crash, even if they are wearing a helmet and following all safety measures. Motorcyclists commonly suffer broken bones, road rash that can result in scarring and disfigurement, neck and back injuries, and even traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) from motorcycle accidents. Injury victims can pursue monetary compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, as well as other damages. 

Family members who have lost loved ones in a motorcycle crash need compassion and skilled support when navigating the wrongful death claims process, which can feel overwhelming in the midst of your grief. Our Florida Motorcycle Crash Lawyers at Whittel & Melton provide legal help and support for all of this and more.

Do I Need an Attorney for My Motorcycle Accident Claim? 

The short answer here is yes. Our Pasco County Motorcycle Crash Lawyers at Whittel & Melton can make sure you understand the claims process and then walk you through the steps needed to be successful with your claim. We will conduct our own investigation into the crash as well as calculate the full extent of your damages to make sure you understand the full extent of your damages to ensure that you are fully compensated for the immediate and ongoing effects of your injury. We will collect all of the necessary evidence pertinent to your claim and speak to insurance companies involved on your behalf so that you are not taken advantage of during this difficult time. 

How Long Do I Have to File an Injury or Wrongful Death Claim After a Motorcycle Accident? 

In Florida, the statute of limitations for personal injury or wrongful death claims is four years. This means that a lawsuit must be filed within four years from the date the accident took place. For most cases, it is actually in your best interest to act quickly and file a lawsuit right away. Our Pasco County  Motorcycle Crash Lawyers at Whittel & Melton can perform our own investigation into the crash and preserve all critical evidence while it still exists as well as obtain any witness statements while they still remember the details. This is crucial when it comes to establishing who is at fault and ensuring that you recover the full and fair compensation you deserve.  Continue reading



Having the right evidence to back up your statements after being involved in a Florida car accident can make all the difference in your claim to recover financial compensation. The saying “a picture is worth a thousand words,” has never been more true in these situations as you have hard proof to further back up exactly what happened. Insurance companies are in the business of making a profit, which means they are not in the business of just forking over money to every person who makes a claim. They will use various tactics to delay, deny, or underpay car accident claims unless they have hard proof, like photographic evidence, that supports your version of what happened. 

After a car accident, your next steps are critical for the outcome of your personal injury claim. Our Florida Car Accident Lawyers at Whittel & Melton know first hand how vital photographic evidence can be to a personal injury claim, which is why we believe that taking pictures is the most important step after making sure that all injured parties are provided medical care. Photos are viewed as credible pieces of evidence, which means that insurance companies are much more likely to provide you with a proper payout if you have good photographic evidence to support your claim. 

We believe that by taking pictures of these 3 things you are much more likely to have a winning claim on your hands: 

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