More pedestrians are being killed today than in decades, according to the most recent findings from the Governors Highway Safety Administration.
Every day, 20 people who are out walking are hit and killed by a moving vehicle. To be precise, the GHSA estimates 7,500 pedestrians were reportedly killed by automobiles last year, which is a record high since 1981. Given that Oklahoma was unable to provide statistics due to a technical issue, the grand total might even be higher.
States below the Sun Belt were identified as having the highest rate of pedestrian fatalities in 2022.
Florida earned a top spot in GHSA’s estimates for pedestrian deaths – state totals came in at 824 deaths in 2022, 833 deaths in 2021, 716 deaths in 2020, and 745 deaths in 2019.
New Mexico was named the most hazardous state for pedestrians for the seventh year in a row. Arizona also earned a top spot.
It is not entirely obvious why there are higher traffic fatalities in southern states, but there are a few theories. One is that individuals need to drive more to get around in larger states because communities are more dispersed. Another explanation is that individuals spend more time outside due to the nicer weather in Southern states.
Because of shaky infrastructure and the proliferation of SUVs, which are more harmful for walkers than smaller automobiles, the number of pedestrian deaths has increased since 2010. When the epidemic struck, there was an even bigger uptick as distracted and speeding driving took over on deserted highways.
Although the pandemic has subsided, incidences of irresponsible driving have persisted, leading to an increase in the number of U.S. pedestrian fatalities. This new data from the GHSA reveals the U.S. is still falling behind other countries in its efforts to increase road safety.
To combat this problem now, experts believe local legislators can put in place traffic-calming measures that do not cost a lot, but can make a big impact.
For instance, installing sharp corners at the ends of roads rather than rounded ones makes drivers slow down to turn, which reduces speeding. This method is referred to as “traffic calming,” along with the addition of pedestrian islands and substantial sidewalk bulb-outs.
If they function well, adding speeding and red-light cameras can also be beneficial. The addition of bike lanes can also make drivers more attentive when driving.
Lowering speed limits is a crucial step as well, but only if it is done in conjunction with other safety precautions and is well enforced. Roads featuring a mix of different vehicle speeds, tend to be more dangerous.
The GHSA also mentioned certain regional and local actions that could aid in averting fatalities.
Police officers are stationed in high-crash or high-foot traffic locations in Hawaii to keep an eye out for reckless driving.
Additionally, to help residents of Idaho discover safety issues on the streets, the state’s highway safety agency distributed walk audits community members. The outcomes are then used by local authorities to enhance neighborhood walkability.
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