Whatever method of transportation you prefer, car, bus, motorcycle, train, etc., at some point in time, you are a pedestrian.
The sad reality is that pedestrian accident rates resulting in severe injuries and death remain high. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 2020 saw 6,516 pedestrian fatalities and another 55,000 pedestrians suffered injuries across the U.S.
Motorists have the duty to maintain safe speeds and exercise other safe driving habits in order to create and keep better walkable communities for everyone.
In order to create safer walking environments, we must go back to the basics.
Below Are 8 Safety Tips for Drivers:
- Always keep a watchful eye out for pedestrians.
- When driving in bad weather that makes it harder to see, like when it is raining or at night, exercise extreme caution.
- When you are turning or entering a crosswalk, be prepared to slow down or stop.
- Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, and make sure to stop at a far enough distance so that other cars can see the approaching pedestrian and stop as well.
- Never pass other vehicles that are stopped at crosswalks. There could be pedestrians crossing that you are unable to see from where you are positioned.
- Always refrain from driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Always follow the posted speed limits, especially in in school zones and in neighborhoods where children are nearby and in places where there are lots of pedestrians on the streets.
- Before backing up and in the process of doing so, keep a close eye out for pedestrians that could be approaching behind you.
Below Are 8 Safety Tips for Pedestrians:
- Always obey all traffic signs and signals that are in place for your protection.
- Always use sidewalks when they are available.
- If no sidewalk is present, then remember to walk facing traffic and stay as far away from traffic as possible.
- Use crosswalks or intersections when you need to get to the other side of the street. Before crossing, look for approaching vehicles from both directions, including cars that may be turning left or right.
- If there is no intersection or crosswalk available for use, then be patient and wait for a large enough gap in traffic that will allow you enough time to cross the street safely. As you cross, continue watching for traffic in all directions.
- When walking in your neighborhood or in parking lots, watch out for cars backing up.
- Avoid drugs and alcohol when walking as they can impair your ability to make sound decisions.
- Walking is a healthy form of transportation, so be vigilant and get moving!
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